Swiggy will launch a standalone app for its quick commerce vertical Instamart, the company said in a stock exchange filing Thursday.“While it’s been clear for a while now that Swiggy Instamart is set to match food delivery in size, recent developments show it’s on track to surpass food delivery in both penetration and scale. The positive reception in new cities and categories suggests Instamart could achieve far greater user adoption, going well beyond 100M+ users,” Sriharsha Majety, MD & group CEO, Swiggy said in a statement.
“Instamart will remain a key offering within the Swiggy app, helping us amass the cross-pollination benefits of a unified app. The standalone app will be an add-on, augmenting our reach by meeting consumers where they are, and ensuring we continue delivering the best possible experience in the category,” he added.
ET reported on Wednesday that Swiggy is making shift to becoming a house of apps from its current strategy of having different offerings in its main app.
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