Amanda Hoover: Hungover is spelled a little wrong.
Michael Calore: Yeah, without the E.
Amanda Hoover: Yeah.
Lauren Goode: How can you spell hungover wrong?
Michael Calore: Without the E.
Lauren Goode: From a branding perspective. Hungovr.
Michael Calore: There was one where it was just like the show ended and I went, “Nut cheeses.” And then there was five—
Lauren Goode: She missed that.
Michael Calore: … seconds of silence, and then it heard me again saying, “Nut cheeses.”
Lauren Goode: You made that up.
Michael Calore: No, I didn’t make it up.
Boone Ashworth: That is very strange.
Lauren Goode: There’s your outtake, Boone. Amazing. That was really fun.
Michael Calore: Hell, yeah.
Lauren Goode: Yeah.
[Playback ends.]
Michael Calore: Oh, that is so sweet. Thank you.
Lauren Goode: Why was I talking about … I’m not even going to say the word again because he’s …
Boone Ashworth: Oh, we had a whole show about that.
Lauren Goode: Oh, with Zak Jason.
Boone Ashworth: Zak Jason came on. Yeah.
Lauren Goode: Oh my goodness.
Michael Calore: Yeah. Ball spray. That was a good one.
Lauren Goode: And nut cheeses.
Boone Ashworth: Go back to the archives folks. There’s some good shit in there.
Michael Calore: Wow.
Lauren Goode: Wow. How many times did I drop an F-bomb and then was like, “Boone, cut that out.” That’s probably a fair amount.
Boone Ashworth: Oh, I would never cut that out.
Michael Calore: What episode number is this? 662. I would say you did that 662 times.
Well, that’s amazing. Thank you.
Lauren Goode: Thank you, Boone. We really appreciate you.
Boone Ashworth: Oh, did somebody’s thing go off right as you were saying that?
Michael Calore: Yes.
Lauren Goode: Slack.
Michael Calore:: Yeah, because we’re going long.
Lauren Goode: Oh, yeah.
Boone Ashworth: Beautiful. OK.
Lauren Goode: We have another tape thing.
Boone Ashworth: All right.
Michael Calore: Bye. Well, that is our show. Thank you, Boone, for being our guest. And thank you Boone, our producer.
Boone Ashworth: Thank you, guys.
Michael Calore: If you have feedback, you can find all of us on social media. Just check the show notes. We will be back in two weeks with a whole new show.
Lauren Goode: We’ll be back.
[Gadget Lab outro theme music plays]
Michael Calore: Nut cheeses.
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